Sonny With A Chance So Sketchy Game


Hey fan fiction readers, this is so sketchy? So random. The sequel to Chad in chuckle city, for those readers who are reading this because you read the first story THANKYOU you are all Amazing and i'm touched that you liked the first one so much you came back fore more

  1. Sonny With A Chance Games So Sketchy Disney Channel
  2. Sonny With A Chance Games Disney
  3. Sonny With A Chance So Sketchy Game Y8
  4. So Random Games So Sketchy

'Sketchy Beginnings' is the first episode of Sonny With a Chance. Its first airing was on on February 8, 2009. It is about how Sonny Munroe flies to Hollywood and meets the cast of So Random! Sonny with a chance so sketchy, sonny with a chance so sketchy - Here's your chance to dress up a model in Autumn inspired clothes! In this game you got the chance to try on new outfits wa. New Year Kiss. The new year is finally here and you have a chance to spend it with some. Sonny with a chance so sketchy, sonny with a chance so sketchy - You've had a crazy hair day, but how about a crazy HAT day? Casual day at school or at work means you have a chance to show your fun and creative side with all kinds of crazy and unique hats! 'so am I' me and Nico said, tawni gave Nico a look and he stepped back. 'I feel like I know you all already!' She said grinning again 'this is gunna be great!' So that's the first chapter of the sequel to Chad in chuckle city, I'd recommend reading it before finishing this or some things wont make sense. Hope you liked it. Hummer sonny with a chance games so sketchy Memory is a cool car-difference game. Titans Most Wanted The Titans Most Wanted game is under the anime, boy, brain, cartoon, comic, dress up, fashion, funny, girls, kids, princess, puzzle category.

disclaimer: well if I owned Disney I'd be really joining the cast of so random on swac. Lets check the Disney website oh look the cast list hasn't changed, fff hasn't aired and I don't own swac :'(

Don't you remember? I was very clear when mandy left That sonny would get this side of the room. Nope, doesn't ring a bell. All right, well, we'll get all this equipment back to the studio gym And let's give sonny some space. I can feel the chemistry already. No no, it's okay. I can make this work. I'm a make-Do kind of person, so watch me make-Do. What are the best Sonny with a Chance Games in 2020? Sonny with a Chance So Sketchy (played: 30564 times) Sonny with a Chance Snack Cart a Pult (played: 16236 times) Sonny with a Chance Cover Shot (played: 9124 times) Demi Lovato Dress Up (played: 2393 times) Demi Lovato Puzzle (played: 2204 times) Demi Loves Music (played: 2179 times).

Sonny's pov

'hehehe stop, stop it!' I giggled

we were all sat in the prop-house, Grady and Nico were fighting over the gaming chair I got them for their birthday, zora was in her sarcophagus, tawni was in the photo-booth taking pictures of herself and Chad was tickling me on the sofa.

'you know I'm really ticklish stop it! He-he!' I giggled trying to push him off.

'you know its not gunna happen sonshine' he said carrying on tickling me, but he stopped when the door opened and marshal walked in

'hello?' he said looking around ' is it just you two in here?'

'no, 1 sec ZORA NICO GRADY AND TAWNI, MARSHALS HERE!' they all rushed out and stood next to us.

'what is it?' asked Nico 'we were almost on level 48 of cheese pants in the city!'

'this is more important than cheese!' said marshal as Grady gasped

'more important than cheese?' he asked

'there are a lot of things more important than cheese Grady, like me 'cause I'm pretty!'

'yes well its not you tawni, you know the new girl I told you about last week?' marshal asked

'Riona?' I asked

'yeah she's just landed from England and she's on her way to the studio now' I looked at Chad excitedly Usb composite device problem windows 10.

'come on we need to go get the cake I made for her, I just cant wait until she gets here. I wonder what she's like.' I said before we went to the comissionary fridge where I left it for safekeeping.

20 minutes later

Riona's pov

wow, I was finally here in holly-wood! I couldn't believe that I was driving up to condor studios my new work place! As I caught a glimpse of the giant so random! Poster on the side of the building I mentally squealed I was there, I wondered when I'd see them: sonny, Chad, tawni, Nico, Grady and zora as I was now one of them! The car stopped and my mum looked at me

'now you know what I've told you.'

'don't talk to strangers'

Sonny With A Chance Games So Sketchy Disney Channel

'no but yes!'

'always wear sun-cream' Download apk smule for pc.

'no but yes'

'er, be nice?'

'yes that and I love you!'

'oh, love you too' I said feeling a little stupid

'now marshal told me to give you this when you get here, I think its a note from the cast' I grabbed it impatiently, brushing my long brown hair out of my eyes before beginning to read:

to Riona

hi, we'd just like to say welcome to so random! Make sure you don't open sarcophagus' without knocking when you're in the prop-house ,don't eat identical popcorn twins or steal coco moco coco. That's all for now

see you soon

the cast of so random!


'wow' I said under my breath 'wait sarcophagus'? Popcorn twins and what is coco moco coco?'

'I don't know!' replied my mum

'well I guess life's going to be more interesting now!'

'I guess it will be' she said, but I couldn't wait any longer I jumped out of the car shouting a hasty

'love you mum' before pushing the doors open and walking inside. I stopped in the doorway stunned, it finally hit me. I was on a hit American TV program. 1 week ago I was at home doing maths homework and complaining via facebook about homework. But then I got the call and used facebook to celebrate! I walked down the hall towards a balding man and tapped hi on the shoulder


'hello, oh you're Riona the new girl on so random! Aren't you?'

'yeah! And if you don't mind me asking, who are you and how do you know me?' I asked, not wanting to be rude

'I'm marshal, director of so random!'

'oh! Marshal you talked to me over the phone, sorry you sound different in real life, not that the phone isn't real life but. sorry I'm rambling' I said embarrassed I was nervous which is strange 'cause I'm not usually.

'its fine, now the prop-house is down the hall, second door on the left the cast will be there in a bit'

'OK, bye!' I said

'bye' he said as I walked towards the prop-house, I pushed open the door and saw the large room filled with props from sketches on the show. I saw the sarcophagus and suddenly understood the sarcophagus part in the letter. 'oh sarcophagus' I knocked on the door and waited. No-one there I thought and pushed it open. There was a gap just large enough to fit into.

'may as well give it a try' I said to myself before getting in, it was surprisingly roomy. Suddenly I heard people come in through the door

sonny's pov

I walked into the prop-house to find it empty

'hey, didn't marshal say she'd be here already?'

'who?' asked tawni looking at her nails

'Riona!' I said

'who?' she said again

Disney Games Sonny With A Chance So Sketchy

'the new-girl'


'oh never mind' I said walking further in. suddenly the sarcophagus opened and a girl that was about 15 stepped out

Sonny With A Chance Games Disney

'ohmigosh you're sonny Munroe, tawni hart and zora Lancaster' she said grinning

'and you were in my sarcophagus, you never go in my sarcophagus you hear!' said zora looking angry

'OK' she replied still smiling

'you are obviously one of my fans, sorry you are not allowed in here, cast only' tawni said obnoxiously.

'I am you're fan but I am also one of the cast'

'what? I forgot who's in the cast again?' asked tawni

'oh don't mind her, you're Riona then? The new girl?' I asked

'yeah I am I am so exited to be here' when she said that I had a good look at her. She had long brown hair with a side fringe which she wore down. She had hazel eyes (brown and green) with a bit of mascara on them, she was pale with a few freckles. She was about mid-height and wore a red vest top and a cropped top over it that was red and white stripy and said I Paris, dark skinny jeans and red converse.

So Random Tv Show Cast

'you've been to Paris?' I asked her

'well I've been to France but not Paris though' she said 'but its cooler being here than going to Paris!'

'well it is most people's dream to meet the gorgeous and pretty tawni hart'

'actually its my dream to be on so random! And isn't gorgeous and pretty the same thing?'

'I don't know, but I know I am both!' Riona looked at me and I shrugged

'so where's Chad, Nico and Grady?' she asked, wow she did watch our show

'I think they've gone to get fro-yo' I said she looked momentarily confused

'fro-yo? Oh right ice-cream' she then grinned 'this is gunna be great'

'yeah it is' I said as the boys walked in

'hey- who is this?' Nico asked flirtatiously

'hi I'm Riona the new cast member!' she said

'oh then its very nice to meet you' Nico said putting emphasis on the very, tawni pulled him away. What was going on there? I thought

'same here!' she said smiling, oblivious to Nico's emphasis.

'I thought you'd speak posh!' said Grady, Riona rolled her eye's.

'I knew I'd get that one. I'm from the north so I don't speak posh, barely anyone from England does, its just a stereotype'

'oh.' said Grady, not knowing what a stereotype was.

'a stereotype is when you have a pre-conceived idea of what someone is like because of where they come from' said zora,

'oh.' said Grady, still none the wiser.

Sonny With A Chance Fasty's

'anyway I'm really looking forward to working with you guys' Riona said before rushing over and pulling us all into a group hug, only me and Nico seemed happy about this. When we pulled away she said.

Sonny With A Chance So Sketchy Game

'sorry, i'm a hugger' she said

Wondershare data recovery serial key only. 'so am I' me and Nico said, tawni gave Nico a look and he stepped back.

'I feel like I know you all already!' she said grinning again 'this is gunna be great!'

so that's the first chapter of the sequel to Chad in chuckle city, I'd recommend reading it before finishing this or some things wont make sense. Hope you liked it

r & r

Riona xx (yes Riona in the story is based off me lol)

Hi men, ladies and gentlemen, fishes and frogs. Here comes the next chapter of so sketchy? So random!

So I am in a VERY good mood today because I have only half a day left in school! Yeah we finish at 12:30 and then if all goes to plan I am gunna walk into town with my mates :) and I only have 3 weeks till my holiday and the inevitable hiatus that comes with it :) also I have a pretty good social life for the summer and I don't know how much I will be able to write

so yeah this chapter is a continuation of the cliffy in last chapter (obviously) it is pretty different from the wrest of the story and is a bit depressing well not depressing but there is some action, against sonny and Chad I'm sorry to say. But it keeps things moving so yeah.

Sonny is a bit ooc in this chapter, but it is a natural reaction to being. read the story and you'll find out :)

disclaimer: I (L) swac, but according to my hands I also (L) maisie, sarah and charlee but I dont own them. So no I don't own swac :(

What happened last time:

'wow the view is so beautiful, Chad' sonny gasped as she took in the view

'yes it is' I said looking at her, uninterested in the view outside. Smooth 'oh you mean that view, its a'ight' sonny giggled and I put my arm around her, she snuggled into my shoulder so I must have had the most ridiculous grin on my face but I didn't care. It was just perfection until I spotted something. Or re-phrase it better someone! Lets just say the snooty waiter had been replaced with someone else. Someone I knew only too well!

'what are you doing here?' I snarled, getting out of my seat with my arm still around sonny. The new waitress looked up and smiled evilly

'ah, we've been waiting for you!'

Chad's pov

suddenly all the other diners turned and got out of their seats. They removed their costumes (an think like Penelope in sonny with a secret but lots of people at once) and stood in front of us was the former cast of Mackenzie falls, i.e. the cast of so sketchy!

'you idiot, you thought that lookout mountain had become a restaurant? Well I gotta give you props even after you left us you just carried on helping us' portlyn said nastily, sneering at sonny like she disgusted her. How dare she look at m'lady like that!

'you even used the tapped laptop I gave you last Christmas to research for your date?' Devon said coming up from behind portlyn. 'I was working for the press the whole time and you never noticed a thing!'

'Devon? You did this to me?' I shouted angrily, sonny buried her face in my shoulder. Our date. Ruined! I could feel her sobbing and rather than wonder how all those salty tears would stain my jacket I just rubbed comforting circles on her back. It must be love!

'yeah, the puppy shover? That was me! Some of my best work I think' Devon bragged as the so sketchy cast laughed in our faces, I could feel my face reddening with anger and I stared at my former best friend and wanted to hit him for doing that to me and m'lady

'my best friend' I muttered in disbelief as Devon and Trevor high fived, sonny pulled her face from my should and faced them

'what are you doing here anyway? Have you even got a purpose or do you just get a kick out of ruining our date?' sonny said confidently staring at portlyn square in the eyes

'well we figured, if so random is missing two members in the competition. Which starts tomorrow by the way, then we've got a higher chance of winning' Penelope said coming to stand next to Trevor 'the costume thing was my idea by the way'

'oh yeah but how are you going to do that then?' I asked them. But this was quickly answered when Ferguson and Trevor grabbed sonny and pulled her away from me, then my former best-friend Devon and Skyler took hold of both my arm and restrained me from running to save sonny.

But this was quickly answered when Ferguson and Trevor grabbed sonny and pulled her away from me, then my former best-friend Devon and Skyler took hold of both my arm and restrained me from running to save sonny.

'you see this is my part of the plan' Dakota condor said walking into the fake-restaurant with trey and James on her flanks. I saw James give sonny a cheeky wink when Dakota back was turned but I growled at him (Seriously I was that mad!) and he jumped back. But I saw him make the 'call me' sign to her with his hands. 'tie them up' Dakota ordered 'and throw them in the basement of this place'

'b-but I th-thought it isn't a real restaurant?' I said struggling as Devon and Skyler forced rope around my hands, feet, arms pretty much anywhere they could reach (an not there! Stop being dirty minded! Not that I am.) 'why would there be a basement'

'it isn't, but there's a useful cave below where we built this temporary place. So we're going to call it the basement. Just like the fake-club you tricked me with about a year ago. But we're doing it better, you see ours wont fall in on you. Or maybe it will and do our work for us'

'cave? Will it be dark?' sonny whimpered as she was forcefully binded too

'yes of course' Dakota said sniggering as sonny's face viably paled

'stop it! Just STOP IT! Cant you see that she's scared?' I yelled at them as they pulled back the floorboards of the restaurant revealing a trapdoor below with a large iron handle with a old fashioned lock on the side. They just laughed at my outburst and brought out a large iron key that matched the lock and turned it in the lock.

'yes' trey said

'but we don't care' said James. By this time sonny had tears running down her face and looked at me desperately as the trapdoor was opened to reveal steps leading to a very dark hole that didn't look like it was going to get any brighter

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'please, no!' sonny begged as her captors pulled her toward the whole in the ground that she was eyeing with much disgust.

'just l-let her go' I shouted as I was tugged towards it as well. 'oh, and me too!'

'wait one second. We forgot something!' Dakota announced 'take their phones!'

'can we keep them?' asked Chloe

'if you want' Dakota said. Penelope and Chloe then went through our pockets till she found our phones. They argued over who got my amazing iphone and the cow phone sonny had. Chloe lost and with a lot of grumbling stomped out of the room. She had always been a drama-queen, that's why we hired her for the falls in the first place!

'now put them down there!' Dakota shouted and the cast jumped to it. Its weird how such a small girl has so much power. sonny shut her eyes tight as she was pushed down the stairs and she screamed when she hit the bottom of them

'SONNY!' I yelled and I was strangely grateful when I was put down there because I could see sonny again. Well not see her, but be with her. Because it was too dark too see her!

'come on we need to get rested for the big competition tomorrow that some people wont be attending' a snobby voice wavered into the cavern as the trapdoor slammed shut, concealing us in darkness. I heard a muffled sob and sonny scooted closer to me and snuggled on my arm

'Chad?' she said

'yeah sonshine?' I replied trying to make her smile

'its cold, and I'm scared' she shivered, emphasising what she said. I'd forgotten she was just wearing a strappy dress.

'awh come here' I said taking off my jacket and putting it around her

'mm thank you' she said and I put both me arms around her for comfort and warmth. We sat down on the cold hard floor and just snuggled there for a while.

'what are we going to do?' she asked my, still hugging my side

'I don't know, we'll have to stay down here for a while until someone finds us I guess'

'b-but what if they don't? I mean it could be years before anyone thinks to look down here' she started crying again as I could see her picturing all this in her head

'sonny, no-' I tried to say but she cut me off

'and what if they just think we're dead? The press w-would go crazy thinking something tragic happened to us' she carried on more tears rolling down her cheeks

'but-' I tried again but once again she just carried on

'and my mum, god my mum will go crazy. What if we do die down here and they never find us?' she started shaking uncontrollably now

'sonny tha-' I butted in but she wouldn't let me

'what if tawni, Nico, Grady, zora and Riona think we've gone off together and just don't come back? They'll never forgive us and if they think we're dead or if we really are dead they'll be so.]' she shivered then went back to her rant 'and then so sketchy will take over so random and life will carry on like we never lived!'

'SONNY!' I shouted snapping her out of her half trance. I put my hands on her shoulders 'sonny that will never happen. After the competition Dakota and that lot will tear down the fake restaurant and people will find the trap door. They will be nosy and want to investigate and then they'll find us. Its as simple as 1,2,4'

'Chad?' sonny said


'you just got 123 wrong. You said 124' sonny said again 'that means it could happen'

'no it doesn't!'

'yes it does, we're going to die. Oh no oh no we're going to die! But I haven't even had the chance to live! I haven't had any kids, I have only one tween choice award. Oh no we're going to die and I'll never be free. I've been killed by the crazy mixed up world we call show-buis-' she started a diva fit and I could see her silhouette from the crack in the trapdoor rocking back and forward and pulling away from me. She was shaking her head uncontrollably and had the impression of a mad person. Maybe she was going mad from being in here

'sonny, sonny, SONNY!' I said shaking her out of it 'I promise you that it is just a coincidence and nothing is going to happen to us. Someone will find us and going crazy will help no-one!'

'oh, okay. I'm sorry' she said settling down with her head on my chest and I put my arms around her

'its okay, I love you' I said smiling to myself as she couldn't see me

'I love you too' she said before sweetly kissing me on the mouth and resting her head back down on my chest. Adobe acrobat dc serial number crack. We stayed like that in comfortable silence until somewhere along the way we dropped off into a sweet slumber.

Chief architect free home design software for mac. Neither of us remembering that I still had something that could get us out of there.

wacha think? I don't know if I am any good at this sorta thing so please review and either boost my confidence or crush my dreams! Just like my friend crushed my dreams of being a comedian :( (jk but it was a funny joke I told her, she just didn't get it ;-))

and just thought id tell you, I found this list on the inter-web. Its all the upcoming episodes of swac:



'The Problem With Pauly'

July 25, 2010


'Chad With a Chance'



'What I Bike About You'



'That's So Sonny'



'So Random Christmas'


Sonny With A Chance So Sketchy Game Y8


'Sonny With a Kiss'



'Sonny With a Grant'



'Tween Choice Awards'

So Random Games So Sketchy



'Izzy in the Hizzy'



'Halloween Episode'



Cool right? :) I cant wait ffor sonny with a kiss 'wink wink'

lovin you always

